Position yourself as a specialist

A great way to position yourself as a specialist in your industry is by posting a frequent Blog (Written) or even a Vlog (Video) if you fancy it. Most websites have the option to include a blog, maybe you already have a section on your website, and you haven’t utilised it yet.


Now is the time, a new year, a new platform to share with your customers. You may be wondering how you can start? Commit to an achievable timetable, whether it is once a week, every 2 weeks or once a month, anything longer than this won’t have the same effect. Then brainstorm a list of topics you want to cover, for example, product walk throughs, in-depth reviews of certain machine features, a write up from a recent factory trip or a competitive comparison. Topics like these will showcase to your customers that you are more of a specialist when it comes to the machines you sell and the market and that in turn builds trust. When target customers trust you, they are more likely to buy from you. Writing a Blog/Vlog can be a relationship building exercise and a campaign to sell machinery.


Once you have started posting your Blog/Vlog frequently, make sure you repurpose it! After all, you have spent the time writing or recording the content. The beauty of a Blog/Vlog is that the content can be used on your social media, in print material and in your email marketing, it can also positively affect your SEO ranking.


If you are unsure where to start or you would like some help getting a list of relevant topics together, then chat with me today and we can get the ball rolling!




SoMe just like a good G&T…