Customer feedback in your marketing

Whether you have a yearly marketing plan or you approach things on a more ad-hoc basis, customer feedback should be part of your campaign content.  

Every communication with a happy customer is an opportunity to bolster your marketing campaigns. The firm ethos that ‘People buy from People’ is still relevant. More importantly, people buy from good reviews, don’t leave them for your eyes only.

Whether it’s a simple passing comment to your staff or an in-depth interview to really get to grips with reasons why the customer chose the machine and why they chose your company. A lot of customers who are asked to interview end up feeling more valued.  

The beauty of customer generated content is that it is reliable and factual and can be utilised in many different ways. When using this type of content always ensure you are making your sales statement and backing it up with the factual evidence from your customer. Make your statement; for example, “This brand-new tractor is the ultimate driver experience, both comfort and operations have been built with the driver in mind.’. Showcase the evidence; for example, ‘I spend many hours in the driver’s seat so comfort and ease of use is paramount for me, when I compared with competitive machines this tractor was far superior, I have no complaints.’ Then ensure you include your call to action. Make the process as easy for the reader as possible.

There are many different platforms you can share this type of content to make the most of it. Ensure you have a section on your website for reviews and testimonials, it’s the place where people will go to find more about you after all. You can then compose a social media post to showcase the key messages then direct readers to the website to read in full.

Why not print it on a nice flyer and use it at a show or an event next to a similar machine? This gives your sales team a great ice breaker and starting point when talking to potential customers. You may be thinking about popping an advert in your local farming press. Ask for some accompanying editorial to be placed next to your advert. This then gives evidence to support your sales message.  

One more tip, remember that great photography will elevate any piece of editorial. A customer face next to their new machine will always capture more interest from a reader so ensure include this.


New Year, New ME…


Saltex 2021