Saltex 2021

Saltex 2021 was able to go ahead, yay! And, it was my first visit to the turf and grounds maintenance show at the NEC in Birmingham. I was lucky to be able to jump on the train and be at the NEC in quick time, even managing to get some work done on the busy commute.

It may have been my first visit but it certainly did not disappoint and I am already looking forward to next year. Upon entering Hall 8 I was greeted with my fabulous client Overtons and their Altoz, Mean Green Mower and Overton products stands which surrounded the entrance, great positioning team!

Of course I took my camera with me and was able to capture some photos of the team on the stand. It was a wonderful opportunity to get them in action and also chat to them about how they had found the show. I was pleased to find they had been consistently busy with genuine enquiries, always a positive!

It was on my to-do list to get to the BAGMA stand to see the team who have supported my freelance work no end. Keith Christian, Director of BAGMA spotted me and we managed to have a great catch up, very rare to catch such a busy man like Keith. It was even more exciting to spot the BAGMA bulletin magazine around the show which featured my cover story for Overton LTD. It certainly provided a talking point with people and I came away with plenty of enquiries.

I even managed to get Keith BAGMA to pose with me and the bulletin magazine!

It was a fantastic opportunity to catch up with clients, industry contacts, even old colleagues! Thank you Saltex, I will be seeing you again next year.


Customer feedback in your marketing


BAGMA Cover Story