Finding the gap…

Going freelance/self-employed whatever you want to call it can be hugely daunting! Trust me, it took a lot of soul searching, family encouragement and just a f*ck it moment to actually get me to take the plunge!

One thing I made sure I defined before I did take that plunge, was the gap! The gap in the market.

Now that sounds super professional and organised but really it was very simple…

I had worked in agricultural machinery for a number of years both at manufacturer and dealership level so I have certain degree of understanding how things work in both capacities. When I was employed I had a number of businesses approach me to assist with some marketing. The reason in a lot of cases was financial.

Employing a marketing executive can cost your company upwards of £20,000 and some smaller agricultural dealers do not have the financial capacity or the need for someone full time. So, they would simply ask me to do a couple of hours here or there and ensure they were still conducting the marketing they wanted.

The agricultural machinery industry is vast and just think of all those smaller dealerships that require a bit of ad-hoc marketing or simply someone to post on their social media, that adds up to a lot of work for me.

Did you define your gap before you took the plunge into freelance life?


I learnt to weld!


Low-cost marketing for big, measurable results!